Our sale is 100% volunteer driven and we'd love to have your help!
We welcome anyone who is willing to help!
Volunteers get to shop early based on the number of shifts they complete.
You pick your shifts based on your schedule and availability.
Tasks include setting up/breaking down racks, sorting and organizing inventory, checking items for stains/holes/damage/etc., assisting shoppers, running check out, marketing & hanging signs.
We provide snacks, drinks and meals during your shift.
It's fun! Volunteering is an excellent way to meet people while giving back.
Committee Volunteers
Our committees are: Receiving, Finance, Hospitality, Nursery, Marketing, & Set Up/Breakdown.
Benefits to working on a committee are that you become very familiar with a specific aspect of the sale, we offer childcare to committee workers, and you get to shop early!
Committee members also get childcare while you shop! Be sure to register for that as well.
To register for a committee, please complete this form. You will select your committee shifts as well as put in your childcare needs.
If you served on a committee at a previous sale and want to return, be sure to reach out to your chair to let them know.
Email us at rdstnt@riverchasedayschool.com if you have any questions! We can help you select one based on your interest and our needs!​